Smart Digests

Smart Digests

What’s new about Smart Digests?

On the Project Overview tab, you’ll now find a handy digest created by Asana Intelligence called “Smart Digests”. It summarizes all recent project activity in one place, so you can quickly catch up on what you’ve missed.

With the new Smart Digest, you’ll be better equipped than ever to stay informed and keep your projects on track!


💫 Feature Value Prop: Get visibility into work-in-progress across projects with smart digests (i.e. activity feeds).


⚙️Key Use Cases: Quick context / overview on key changes & decisions related to workstreams


👥Target Roles: All users (primary: senior leaders)


  • Can other project members see the smart digest I requested?: No, smart digests are private to you.

  • How can I provide feedback for this feature?: Use the :+1: and :-1: icons to share feedback directly with our product team.

❓Recommended Discovery Questions to ask customers & prospects:

Are you frequently finding yourself having to dig for project details?

How do you stay up-to-date on project workstreams in Asana to date?

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