My 10 proposals for Asana

proposals for asana

Asana is really good, can it be great? Here are my 10 proposals for Asana.

Imagine the scene: Dustin Moskovitz (Asana’s CEO) himself calls me up “I love what you do Bastien, you are such a key part of the community and I value your feedback. If you could do anything regarding Asana, what would you do?”.

It obviously did not happen (yet?) but I have to be ready. Here are my 10 proposals for the product, the ecosystem and Asana’s marketing. Follow the link at the end to vote and support me!

*️⃣ Asana Product

💡 Show the project a subtask belongs to on My Tasks

I am so f***ing fed up with this bloody debate, show the project already!

💡 Enable the “Expand” button by default in the Inbox

This is hard enough to get people to use the Inbox, why do you disable something crucial by default?

💡 Disable “New tasks added” project default notification

This is hard enough to get people to use the Inbox, why do you enable something hurting everyone by default?

💡 Create the task auto-promotion rule by default in new users’ My Tasks

It used to be there by default, but then My Tasks became a “project” with rules and boom! the best Asana feature was removed for new users.

💡 Stop auto-colouring options in drop-downs

It hurts clarity across the board to have random colors everywhere, and we can’t expect people to realise how bad it is on their own.

*️⃣ Asana Ecosystem

💡 Promote the best 3rd party apps

We talked with Asana employees who did not even know what Instagantt was. That’s the #1 app thousands of clients fall back on, and it even existed before Asana’s Timeline. Everyone should know about Flowsana, Asana2Go, ditto/kothar…  especially employees!

💡 Create a grant for app creators

You would have more Flowsana & similar apps if we encouraged people to build them. Incentivize developers to take a risk building something on top of Asana.

💡 Empower technical partners with a badge

When a client decides they need to use the API, they don’t know who to turn to to get help. Create a badge/certification to empower validated technical partners.

*️⃣ Asana Marketing

💡 Share the roadmap

I know, I know, you don’t share the roadmap because you want to be able to change at the last minute. Well, guess what: users are getting angrier every day. Probably angrier than they would if you sometimes delayed announced features…

💡 Hire someone to meet clients around the world

By looking only at our own clients and leads, we realised Asana was used to instruct scuba divers where to dive in a French marina, help a French factory manufacture a famous cheese (Reblochon) or enable incident reports using Asana forms in QRCode at a French warehouse. Hire someone with a microphone and a camera, and let them go and meet all those clients with inspiring use cases. And use that s**t ton of content in your marketing.

Now is time to vote for the proposals for Asana you agree with (go here and vote). We will use your votes to promote the proposals to Asana.

👉 Send your vote!

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