👥 Task distribution

iDO & Astogi present Round-Robin in Asana

Use this bot to auto-assign tasks and loop through the people who have access to the project.


How to use

Follow the steps below to get started using the Round-Robin bot in Asana.


All you need to know

iDO is a leading Asana Solutions Partner with a clear mission: help everyone in the world get the most out of Asana.

Astogi  is a known party in the Asana developer community: they built an integration between git and Asana.

The beta version is free to use under a fair use policy. You are allowed to use it as much as you want. We will notify you when a payment is required.

Follow the steps in the previous section: start by inviting the bot as a project member (join the Beta to get the address) and when you do it, it will automatically loop through the people who have access to this project and assign them with a new user.

  1. The order of the list matches the list in Asana.

  2. The bot ignores all Astogi users

  3. If the last user in the list has been assigned, it will automatically assign the first in the list as loop.

  4. If the task has an assignee already, it will be ignored.

The bot must be added to the project.

You will receive it immediately after you registration (click on “install now” button).

Almost instantly. Just wait a few seconds and you will see how people start getting assigned to your tasks.

During the beta, we are not allowing the integration to be used in your day-to-day workflows, especially if they require a lot of requests to be made. Our budget is currently limited. Be mindful of others and only run tests. Once out of beta, we’ll charge per request, so you’ll be free to use it as you wish.

See More Assistants by iDO and Astogi

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Add the bot as a collaborator in a task and see how it adds multiple team members as collaborators to the task.

Round Robin in Asana

Use this bot to auto-assign tasks and loop through the people who have access to the project.

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